AKI Creators Submission Agreement

Hello, and welcome to our circle of storytellers,

As a way to begin, we would like to share some information with you and ask that you share some information with us.

Your Story and Our Gathering Place:
You are entrusting your story to us, hoping it might find a place within the digital gathering space of AKI Creators, hosted by Red Sky Performance Inc. ("Red Sky") on www.akicreators.com (the “Platform”). We are excited to have you join us on this journey which is grounded in mutual respect.

Your Rights and Responsibilities: You affirm that this story is yours to share, that it springs from your artistry and creative intellect - or under your legal care if you are sharing on behalf of a group. It respects others' rights, and does not infringe on anyone’s privacy or intellectual property.

Our Role and Limitations: We, through Red Sky, have not made promises about your story’s appearance/upload on the Aki Creators platform. We commit to consider your story in confidence and you acknowledge we are not under any obligation to feature/upload it. If we do, we will secure an agreement with you first.

The Nature of Stories: As humans, we inherently share similar narratives derived from our collective experiences. That said, we may already have or may in the future receive a story that is similar to yours. While we respect and honor all narratives, we reserve the right to feature/upload only select stories.